Updated 7/6/2022…
Johnson County Republican Party Central Committee Meeting Notice
Purpose: The Johnson County Republican Party Central Committee will meet to handle party business. The agenda will include validation of executive committee positions, resolutions and other business that may come before the committee.
Date: July 9, 2022
Time: 9:00am
Place: Bomber Mountain Civic Center, 63 N Burritt Buffalo, WY 82834.
For more information call 307-222-2426 or visit https://www.jocowyo.gop/meetings.
This notice is paid for by the Johnson County Republican Party Central Committee.
Publish: July 6, 2022.
Precinct Caucuses – Feb 12, 2022
The primary purpose of the Caucus is to select delegates to the County Convention. Each precinct committeeman and committeewoman are automatically a delegate to the convention. Each precinct in caucus will select additional delegates equal to the number of committee members. That would be two for all the precincts except 4-7 and 4-8 which will select four additional delegates. Each precinct will also get alternate delegates equal to their delegates. Total of four again for each precinct except for precincts 4-7 and 4-8 which will have eight.
At the Caucus, resolutions, platform and County and State Bylaws changes may be brought forward in each precinct that will become part of the consideration of the County Convention. We will also be forming these committees which will meet at least a week before the county convention:
- Credentials to verify each delegate is a registered Republican from the correct precinct
- Bylaws – changes to either the County or State bylaws
- Platform – state focused platform planks
- Resolutions – national focus resolutions
- Nominations for delegates to State Convention
If you are attending please complete the survey at https://jocowyogop.tiny.us/CaucusSurvey. This will let us prepare paperwork for the meeting.
County Convention – Mar 5, 2022
State Convention – May 5-7, 2022
The State Convention will be held in Sheridan and details are still to be provided.