Johnson County Republican Party – Precinct Caucuses
February 12, 2021
Time: 9:00am
Location: Bomber Mountain Civic Center
The Johnson County Republican Party will have its biannual precinct caucuses on February 12. This meeting is an opportunity for all registered Republicans residing in Johnson County to meet together. During the caucus Republicans will discuss any resolutions or platforms planks that they would like to see sent forward to the County and State Conventions. Also, changes to the Johnson County Republican Party By-Laws may be made for consideration at the County Convention
Each precinct will select delegates to the County Convention which is scheduled for March 5, 2022. Precincts are allowed to send delegates to the county convention at 2 times the number of precinct committeemen/committeewomen that are in the precinct. Our precincts, with two exceptions, each have one committeeman and one committeewoman. The committeeman/woman are automatic delegates to the county convention. So each precinct would select two Republican residents to be the at large delegates. Precinct 4-7 and 4-8 each have two precinct committeemen/women and will select a total of four at large delegates. Note that if there is a vacancy in the precinct committeeman/woman then additional delegate(s) can be selected. If a committeeman/woman cant attend the precinct can select an additional delegate. And each precinct can select alternate delegates equal to their primary delegate count. Only delegates are allowed to vote at the county convention.
Several committees will be formed to bring forth action items to the county convention.
You can find out more on the Caucuses and the Convention by reading Article IV of the Johnson County By-laws.
Johnson County Republican Party – County Convention
Saturday, March 5th
Time: 9:00am
Location: Bomber Mountain Civic Center
Any registered Republicans residing in Johnson county are invited to attend, but only delegates selected at the County Caucus are allowed to vote on matters that come before the County Convention. Delegates to the convention will determine the changes to the County By-Laws that will be adopted. They will also consider resolutions, by-laws and platform planks that will be submitted to the State Convention (May 5-7 in Sheridan) if adopted at the county convention.
The convention will also determine the delegates to the state convention. The County Chairman, State Committeeman and State Committeewoman are automatically delegates. We will also select eight additional delegates (total delegates eleven) and up to eleven alternate delegates.